티스토리 뷰
작성자 Prince evilstupidmiserable Little :
● 새로 수정한 매크로 파일입니다.
사용시 일부 오작동도 있고 해서,,개량~~
1. 기존 축약키 lq , lw, le, 가 문서작성시 일부 오작동을 발생시키므로 lqqq, lwww, leee로 변경함
- 해당 축약키의 내용 -
[자세한설명] [설명끝]
[주석] [주석끝]
; 한영 전환상의 오류방지를 위해 클립보드를 통해 실행하므로,
축약키를 통해 입력할 때는 그 이전에 클립보드로 복사해 둔 내용이 지워지니, 주의바람.
즉 어떤 내용을 복사해 붙이는 과정이었다면 복사한 다음 축약키를 사용하기 바람.
1. 날짜 찍는 축약키 추가 => lddd
포맷: 2011-06-금-24-[25weeks 175 days]-11:14
[25weeks 175 days]는 올해 들어 경과한 주- 날짜 수임- 참고
1. 작업 파일의 폴더명과 파일 기록하는 축약키 => lppp [ 드라이브명은 생략- 상대경로 적용]
1. 본 매크로를 실행시에
만일 토털커맨더가 실행 상태에 있었다면 그 상태에서 선택한 파일들의 경로를 일단 클립보드로 자동 복사하게 됨
1. 만일 없거나,
있었더라도 작업 도중 다시 작업 파일을 변경해 선택할 필요가있을 때
=> winkey + P 를 눌러 해당파일 경로를 일단 복사함
1. 그 이후 원하는 텍스트문서창에서 자신이 해당 파일 경로들을 복사할 곳에서
축약키 lppp를 누르면
이전에 선택해 둔 파일들의 경로가 복사되어 붙게 됨
( 참고로 여러 파일을 선택할 경우 첫 파일만 상대경로 형태로 되고,,나머지는 절대 경로로 복사됨)
( 절대경로를 희망할 때는 아래 구문을 조금 변경해서 사용할 것)
- 참고 기타 토탈커맨더의 다른 명령들을 실행하여 명령 보내기 -
토탈커맨더 폴더안의 TOTALCMD.INC 파일을 참조하여 원하는 토탈커맨더의 명령어를 알아냅니다.
[ (TOTALCOMMANDER 프로그램 폴더 내 )
그 다음 토탈커맨더의 명령어에 해당하는 번호를 찾아낸후
예를 들어 그 번호가 3001 이면
PostMessage, 1075, 3001 의 형태로 입력하여 넣으면 됩니다.
또는 토탈커맨더 창을 activate 시킨 후 해당 단축키를 이 창에 직접 내보내도 됩니다.
● [ 토탈커맨더의 명령어 표 ]
cm_SrcComments=300;Source: Show comments
cm_SrcShort=301;Source: Only file names
cm_SrcLong=302;Source: All file details
cm_SrcTree=303;Source: Directory tree
cm_SrcQuickview=304;Source: Quick view panel
cm_VerticalPanels=305;File windows above each other
cm_SrcQuickInternalOnly=306;Source: Quick view, no plugins
cm_SrcHideQuickview=307;Source: Quick view panel off
cm_SrcExecs=311;Source: Only programs
cm_SrcAllFiles=312;Source: All files
cm_SrcUserSpec=313;Source: Last selected
cm_SrcUserDef=314;Source: Select user type
cm_SrcByName=321;Source: Sort by name
cm_SrcByExt=322;Source: Sort by extension
cm_SrcBySize=323;Source: Sort by size
cm_SrcByDateTime=324;Source: Sort by date
cm_SrcUnsorted=325;Source: Unsorted
cm_SrcNegOrder=330;Source: Reversed order
cm_SrcOpenDrives=331;Source: Open drive list
cm_SrcThumbs=269;Source: Thumbnail view
cm_SrcCustomViewMenu=270;Source: Custom view menu
cm_SrcPathFocus=332;Source: Put focus on path
cm_LeftComments=100;Left: Show comments
cm_LeftShort=101;Left: Only file names
cm_LeftLong=102;Left: All file details
cm_LeftTree=103;Left: Directory tree
cm_LeftQuickview=104;Left: Quick view panel
cm_LeftQuickInternalOnly=106;Left: Quick view, no plugins
cm_LeftHideQuickview=107;Left: Quick view panel off
cm_LeftExecs=111;Left: Only programs
cm_LeftAllFiles=112;Left: All files
cm_LeftUserSpec=113;Left: Last selected
cm_LeftUserDef=114;Left: Select user type
cm_LeftByName=121;Left: Sort by name
cm_LeftByExt=122;Left: Sort by extension
cm_LeftBySize=123;Left: Sort by size
cm_LeftByDateTime=124;Left: Sort by date
cm_LeftUnsorted=125;Left: Unsorted
cm_LeftNegOrder=130;Left: Reversed order
cm_LeftOpenDrives=131;Left: Open drive list
cm_LeftPathFocus=132;Left: Put focus on path
cm_LeftDirBranch=2034;Left: Branch view
cm_LeftThumbs=69;Left: Thumbnail view
cm_LeftCustomViewMenu=70;Left: Custom view menu
cm_RightComments=200;Right: Show comments
cm_RightShort=201;Right: Only file names
cm_RightLong=202;Right: All file details
cm_RightTree=203;Right: Directory tree
cm_RightQuickview=204;Right: Quick view panel
cm_RightQuickInternalOnly=206;Right: Quick view, no plugins
cm_RightHideQuickview=207;Right: Quick view panel off
cm_RightExecs=211;Right: Only programs
cm_RightAllFiles=212;Right: All files
cm_RightUserSpec=213;Right: Last selected
cm_RightUserDef=214;Right: Select user type
cm_RightByName=221;Right: Sort by name
cm_RightByExt=222;Right: Sort by extension
cm_RightBySize=223;Right: Sort by size
cm_RightByDateTime=224;Right: Sort by date
cm_RightUnsorted=225;Right: Unsorted
cm_RightNegOrder=230;Right: Reversed order
cm_RightOpenDrives=231;Right: Open drive list
cm_RightPathFocus=232;Right: Put focus on path
cm_RightDirBranch=2035;Right: branch view
cm_RightThumbs=169;Right: Thumbnail view
cm_RightCustomViewMenu=170;Right: Custom view menu
cm_List=903;View with Lister
cm_ListInternalOnly=1006;Lister without plugins/multimedia
cm_Edit=904;Edit (Notepad)
cm_Copy=905;Copy files
cm_CopySamepanel=3100;Copy within panel
cm_CopyOtherpanel=3101;Copy to other
cm_RenMov=906;Rename/Move files
cm_MkDir=907;Make directory
cm_Delete=908;Delete files
cm_TestArchive=518;Test selected archives
cm_PackFiles=508;Pack files
cm_UnpackFiles=509;Unpack all
cm_RenameOnly=1002;Rename (Shift+F6)
cm_RenameSingleFile=1007;Rename file under cursor
cm_MoveOnly=1005;Move (F6)
cm_Properties=1003;Properties dialog
cm_CreateShortcut=1004;Create a shortcut
cm_Return=1001;Simulate: Return pressed
cm_OpenAsUser=2800;Open program under cursor as different user
cm_Split=560;Split file into pieces
cm_Combine=561;Combine partial files
cm_Encode=562;Encode MIME/UUE/XXE
cm_Decode=563;Decode MIME/UUE/XXE/BinHex
cm_CRCcreate=564;Create CRC checksums
cm_CRCcheck=565;Verify CRC checksums
cm_SetAttrib=502;Change attributes
cm_Config=490;Conf: Layout (first page)
cm_DisplayConfig=486;Conf: Display
cm_IconConfig=477;Conf: Icons
cm_FontConfig=492;Conf: Font
cm_ColorConfig=494;Conf: Colors
cm_ConfTabChange=497;Conf: Tabstops
cm_DirTabsConfig=488;Conf: Directory tabs
cm_CustomColumnConfig=483;Conf: Custom colums
cm_CustomColumnDlg=2920;Change current custom columns
cm_LanguageConfig=499;Conf: Language
cm_Config2=516;Conf: Operation
cm_EditConfig=496;Conf: Viewer/Editor
cm_CopyConfig=487;Conf: Copy/Delete
cm_RefreshConfig=478;Conf: Refresh file lists
cm_QuickSearchConfig=479;Conf: Quick Search
cm_FtpConfig=489;FTP options
cm_PluginsConfig=484;Conf: Plugins
cm_ThumbnailsConfig=482;Conf: Thumbnails
cm_LogConfig=481;Conf: Log file
cm_IgnoreConfig=480;Conf: Ignore list
cm_PackerConfig=491;Conf: Packer
cm_ZipPackerConfig=485;Conf: ZIP packer
cm_Confirmation=495;Conf: Misc, Confirmation
cm_ConfigSavePos=493;Conf: Save position
cm_ButtonConfig=498;Conf: Button bar
cm_ConfigSaveSettings=580;Save current paths etc.
cm_ConfigChangeIniFiles=581;Open ini files in notepad
cm_ConfigSaveDirHistory=582;Save directory history
cm_ChangeStartMenu=700;Change Start menu
cm_NetConnect=512;Network connections
cm_NetDisconnect=513;Disconnect network drives
cm_NetShareDir=514;Share directory
cm_NetUnshareDir=515;Unshare directory
cm_AdministerServer=2204;Connect to admin share to open \\server\c$ etc.
cm_ShowFileUser=2203;Which remote user has opened a local file
cm_GetFileSpace=503;Calculate space
cm_VolumeId=505;Volume label
cm_VersionInfo=510;Version information
cm_ExecuteDOS=511;Start DOS
cm_CompareDirs=533;Compare dirs
cm_CompareDirsWithSubdirs=536;Also mark subdirs not present in other dir
cm_ContextMenu=2500;Show context menu
cm_ContextMenuInternal=2927;Show context menu for internal associations
cm_ContextMenuInternalCursor=2928;Internal context menu for file under cursor
cm_SyncChangeDir=2600;Synchronous directory changing in both windows
cm_EditComment=2700;Edit file comment
cm_FocusLeft=4001;Focus on left file list
cm_FocusRight=4002;Focus on right file list
cm_FocusCmdLine=4003;Focus on command line
cm_FocusButtonBar=4004;Focus on button bar
cm_CountDirContent=2014;Calculate space occupied by subdirs in current dir
cm_UnloadPlugins=2913;Unload all plugins
cm_DirMatch=534;Mark newer
cm_Exchange=531;Swap panels
cm_ReloadSelThumbs=2918;Re-load selected thumbnails
cm_DirectCableConnect=2300;Connect to other PC by cable
cm_NTinstallDriver=2301;Install parallel port driver on NT
cm_NTremoveDriver=2302;Remove parallel port driver on NT
cm_PrintDir=2027;Print current directory (with preview)
cm_PrintDirSub=2028;Print dir with subdirs
cm_PrintFile=504;Print file
cm_SpreadSelection=521;Select group
cm_SelectBoth=3311;Select group: files+folders
cm_SelectFiles=3312;Select group: just files
cm_SelectFolders=3313;Select group: just folders
cm_ShrinkSelection=522;Unselect group
cm_ClearFiles=3314;Unselect group: just files
cm_ClearFolders=3315;Unselect group: just folders
cm_ClearSelCfg=3316;Unselect group (files or both, as configured)
cm_SelectAll=523;Select all (files or both, as configured)
cm_SelectAllBoth=3301;Select both files+folders
cm_SelectAllFiles=3302;Select all files
cm_SelectAllFolders=3303;Select all folders
cm_ClearAll=524;Unselect all (files+folders)
cm_ClearAllFiles=3304;Unselect all files
cm_ClearAllFolders=3305;Unselect all folders
cm_ClearAllCfg=3306;Unselect all (files or both, as configured)
cm_ExchangeSelection=525;Invert selection
cm_ExchangeSelBoth=3321;Invert selection (files+folders)
cm_ExchangeSelFiles=3322;Invert selection (files)
cm_ExchangeSelFolders=3323;Invert selection (folders)
cm_SelectCurrentExtension=527;Select all files with same ext.
cm_UnselectCurrentExtension=528;Unselect all files with same ext.
cm_SelectCurrentName=541;Select all files with same name
cm_UnselectCurrentName=542;Unselect all files with same name
cm_SelectCurrentNameExt=543;Select all files with same name+ext.
cm_UnselectCurrentNameExt=544;Unselect all files with same name+ext.
cm_SelectCurrentPath=537;Select all in same path (for branch view+search)
cm_UnselectCurrentPath=538;Unselect all in same path
cm_RestoreSelection=529;Selection before last operation
cm_SaveSelection=530;Temporarily save selection
cm_SaveSelectionToFile=2031;Save file selection to file
cm_SaveSelectionToFileA=2041;Save file selection to file (ANSI)
cm_SaveSelectionToFileW=2042;Save file selection to file (Unicode)
cm_SaveDetailsToFile=2039;Save all shown columns to file
cm_SaveDetailsToFileA=2043;Save all shown columns to file (ANSI)
cm_SaveDetailsToFileW=2044;Save all shown columns to file (Unicode)
cm_LoadSelectionFromFile=2032;Read file selection from file
cm_LoadSelectionFromClip=2033;Read file selection from clipboard
cm_EditPermissionInfo=2200;Permissions dialog (NTFS)
cm_EditAuditInfo=2201;File auditing (NTFS)
cm_EditOwnerInfo=2202;Take ownership (NTFS)
cm_CutToClipboard=2007;Cut selected files to clipboard
cm_CopyToClipboard=2008;Copy selected files to clipboard
cm_PasteFromClipboard=2009;Paste from clipboard to current dir
cm_CopyNamesToClip=2017;Copy filenames to clipboard
cm_CopyFullNamesToClip=2018;Copy names with full path
cm_CopyNetNamesToClip=2021;Copy names with UNC path
cm_CopySrcPathToClip=2029;Copy source path to clipboard
cm_CopyTrgPathToClip=2030;Copy target path to clipboard
cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip=2036;Copy all shown columns
cm_CopyFpFileDetailsToClip=2037;Copy all columns, with full path
cm_CopyNetFileDetailsToClip=2038;Copy all columns, with UNC path
cm_FtpConnect=550;Connect to FTP
cm_FtpNew=551;New FTP connection
cm_FtpDisconnect=552;Disconnect from FTP
cm_FtpHiddenFiles=553;Show hidden FTP files
cm_FtpAbort=554;Abort current FTP command
cm_FtpResumeDownload=555;Resume aborted download
cm_FtpSelectTransferMode=556;Select Binary, ASCII or Auto mode
cm_FtpAddToList=557;Add selected files to download list
cm_FtpDownloadList=558;Download files in download list
cm_GotoPreviousDir=570;Go back
cm_GotoNextDir=571;Go forward
cm_DirectoryHistory=572;History list
cm_GotoPreviousLocalDir=573;Go back, no ftp
cm_GotoNextLocalDir=574;Go forward, no ftp
cm_DirectoryHotlist=526;Directory popup menu
cm_GoToRoot=2001;Go to root directory
cm_GoToParent=2002;Go to parent directory
cm_GoToDir=2003;Open dir or zip under cursor
cm_OpenDesktop=2121;Desktop folder
cm_OpenDrives=2122;My computer
cm_OpenControls=2123;Control panel
cm_OpenFonts=2124;Fonts folder
cm_OpenNetwork=2125;Network neighborhood
cm_OpenPrinters=2126;Printers folder
cm_OpenRecycled=2127;Recycle bin
cm_CDtree=500;Popup directory tree
cm_TransferLeft=2024;Transfer dir under cursor to left window
cm_TransferRight=2025;Transfer dir under cursor to right window
cm_EditPath=2912;Edit path field above file list
cm_GoToFirstFile=2050;Place cursor on first file in list
cm_GotoNextDrive=2051;Go one drive up (C->D)
cm_GotoPreviousDrive=2052;Go one drive down
cm_GotoNextSelected=2053;Go to next selected file
cm_GotoPrevSelected=2054;Go to previous selected file
cm_GotoDriveA=2061;Switch to drive A
cm_GotoDriveC=2063;Switch to drive C
cm_GotoDriveD=2064;Switch to drive D
cm_GotoDriveE=2065;Switch to drive E
cm_GotoDriveF=2066;(etc, define your own if)
cm_GotoDriveZ=2086;(you need more drives)
cm_HelpIndex=610;Help index
cm_Keyboard=620;Keyboard help
cm_Register=630;Registration info
cm_VisitHomepage=640;Visit http://www.ghisler.com/
cm_About=690;Help/About Total Commander
cm_Exit=24340;Exit Total Commander
cm_Minimize=2000;Minimize Total Commander
cm_Maximize=2015;Maximize Total Commander
cm_Restore=2016;Restore normal size
cm_ClearCmdLine=2004;Clear command line
cm_NextCommand=2005;Next command line
cm_PrevCommand=2006;Previous command line
cm_AddPathToCmdline=2019;Copy path to command line
cm_MultiRenameFiles=2400;Rename multiple files
cm_SysInfo=506;System information
cm_OpenTransferManager=559;Background transfer manager
cm_SearchFor=501;Search for
cm_FileSync=2020;Synchronize directories
cm_InternalAssociate=519;Define internal associations
cm_CompareFilesByContent=2022;File comparison
cm_IntCompareFilesByContent=2040;Use internal compare tool
cm_CommandBrowser=2924;Browse internal commands
cm_VisButtonbar=2901;Show/hide button bar
cm_VisDriveButtons=2902;Show/hide drive button bars
cm_VisTwoDriveButtons=2903;Show/hide two drive bars
cm_VisFlatDriveButtons=2904;Buttons: Flat/normal mode
cm_VisFlatInterface=2905;Interface: Flat/normal mode
cm_VisDriveCombo=2906;Show/hide drive combobox
cm_VisCurDir=2907;Show/hide current directory
cm_VisBreadCrumbs=2926;Show/hide Breadcrumb bar
cm_VisTabHeader=2908;Show/hide tab header (sorting)
cm_VisStatusbar=2909;Show/hide status bar
cm_VisCmdLine=2910;Show/hide Command line
cm_VisKeyButtons=2911;Show/hide function key buttons
cm_ShowHint=2914;Show file tip window
cm_ShowQuickSearch=2915;Show name search window
cm_SwitchLongNames=2010;Turn long names on and off
cm_RereadSource=540;Reread source
cm_ShowOnlySelected=2023;Hide files which aren't selected
cm_SwitchHidSys=2011;Turn hidden/system files on and off
cm_Switch83Names=2013;Turn 8.3 names lowercase on/off
cm_SwitchDirSort=2012;Turn directory sorting by name on/off
cm_DirBranch=2026;Show all files in current dir and all subdirs
cm_50Percent=909;Window separator at 50%
cm_VisDirTabs=2916;Show/hide folder tabs
cm_VisXPThemeBackground=2923;Show/hide XP theme background
cm_SwitchOverlayIcons=2917;Switch icon overlays on/off
cm_VisHistHotButtons=2919;Show/hide dir history+hotlist
cm_SwitchWatchDirs=2921;Enable/disable WatchDirs auto-refresh temporarily
cm_SwitchIgnoreList=2922;Enable/disable ignore list file to not show file names
cm_SwitchX64Redirection=2925;64-bit Windows: Redirect 32-bit system32 dir off/on
cm_SeparateTreeOff=3200;Disable separate tree panel
cm_SeparateTree1=3201;One separate tree panel
cm_SeparateTree2=3202;Two separate tree panels
cm_SwitchSeparateTree=3203;Switch through tree panel options
cm_ToggleSeparateTree1=3204;One separate tree panel on/off
cm_ToggleSeparateTree2=3205;Two separate tree panels on/off
cm_UserMenu1=701;Start first menu item in Start menu
cm_UserMenu2=702;Second item
cm_UserMenu3=703;Third item
cm_UserMenu8=708;You can add more
cm_UserMenu9=709;custom user menu ids
cm_UserMenu10=710;in totalcmd.inc!
cm_OpenNewTab=3001;Open new tab
cm_OpenNewTabBg=3002;Open new tab in background
cm_OpenDirInNewTab=3003;Open dir under cursor in tab
cm_OpenDirInNewTabOther=3004;Open dir under cursor (other window)
cm_SwitchToNextTab=3005;Switch to next Tab (as Ctrl+Tab)
cm_SwitchToPreviousTab=3006;Switch to previous Tab (Ctrl+Shift+Tab)
cm_CloseCurrentTab=3007;Close tab
cm_CloseAllTabs=3008;Close all
cm_DirTabsShowMenu=3009;Show tab menu
cm_ToggleLockCurrentTab=3010;Turn on/off tab locking
cm_ToggleLockDcaCurrentTab=3012;Same but with dir changes allowed
cm_ExchangeWithTabs=535;Swap all Tabs
cm_GoToLockedDir=3011;Go to the base dir of locked tab
cm_SrcActivateTab1=5001;Activate first tab
cm_SrcActivateTab2=5002;Activate second tab
cm_SrcActivateTab3=5003;(Source window)
cm_SrcActivateTab10=5010;(up to 99 items)
cm_TrgActivateTab1=5101;Activate first tab
cm_TrgActivateTab2=5102;Activate second tab
cm_TrgActivateTab3=5103;(Target window)
cm_LeftActivateTab1=5201;Activate first tab
cm_LeftActivateTab2=5202;Activate second tab
cm_LeftActivateTab3=5203;(Left window)
cm_RightActivateTab1=5301;Activate first tab
cm_RightActivateTab2=5302;Activate second tab
cm_RightActivateTab3=5303;(Right window)
cm_SrcSortByCol1=6001; Sort by first column
cm_SrcSortByCol2=6002; Sort by second column
cm_SrcSortByCol3=6003; (source window)
cm_SrcSortByCol4=6004; etc.
cm_TrgSortByCol1=6101; Sort by first column
cm_TrgSortByCol2=6102; Sort by second column
cm_TrgSortByCol3=6103; (target window)
cm_TrgSortByCol4=6104; etc.
cm_LeftSortByCol1=6201; Sort by first column
cm_LeftSortByCol2=6202; Sort by second column
cm_LeftSortByCol3=6203; (left window)
cm_LeftSortByCol4=6204; etc.
cm_RightSortByCol1=6301; Sort by first column
cm_RightSortByCol2=6302; Sort by second column
cm_RightSortByCol3=6303; (right window)
cm_RightSortByCol4=6304; etc.
[________Custom column views_________]=0
cm_SrcCustomView1=271; Source: Custom columns 1
cm_SrcCustomView2=272; (user defined columns)
cm_SrcCustomView3=273; etc.
cm_SrcCustomView9=279; etc. until 299
cm_LeftCustomView1=71; Left: Custom columns 1
cm_LeftCustomView2=72; (user defined columns)
cm_LeftCustomView3=73; etc.
cm_RightCustomView1=171; Right: Custom columns 1
cm_RightCustomView2=172; (user defined columns)
cm_RightCustomView3=173; etc.
cm_SrcNextCustomView=5501; Source: Next custom view
cm_SrcPrevCustomView=5502; Source: Previous custom view
cm_TrgNextCustomView=5503; Target: Next custom view
cm_TrgPrevCustomView=5504; Target: Previous custom view
cm_LeftNextCustomView=5505; Left: Next custom view
cm_LeftPrevCustomView=5506; Left: Previous custom view
cm_RightNextCustomView=5507;Right: Next custom view
cm_RightPrevCustomView=5508;Right: Previous custom view
cm_LoadAllOnDemandFields=5512;Load on demand fields for all files
cm_LoadSelOnDemandFields=5513;Load on demand fields for selected files
cm_ContentStopLoadFields=5514;Stop loading on demand fields
[________Commands with parameters_________]=0
;These negative numbers are just used for translation and cannot be used instead of the commands
CD <directory>=-2;Switch to the given directory
OPENTABS <filename>=-3;Open tabs from saved .tab file
APPENDTABS <filename>=-4;Append tabs to existing tabs
FTPOPEN <conf. ftp server>=-5;Open stored ftp connection
SYNCOPEN <sync operation>=-6;Open stored sync operation
LOADSEARCH <stored search>=-7;Open stored search operation
OPENBAR <filename>=-8;Load button bar from file
MULTIRENAME <operation name>=-9;Open stored multi-rename operation
OPENCUSTOMVIEW <view name>=-10;Switch to custom columns view
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- dvd 타이틀제작
- 소설작성
- Cyberarticle
- 킨텍스드론로봇VR_전시회
- 상의_문제
- 로봇
- Scrivener
- 전시회
- 서울등축제
- (킨텍스)_드론_로봇_VR_전시회
일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
29 | 30 | 31 |